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    更新時間:2022-10-31 15:41:43 綜合手抄報 我要投稿

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      1,have a good attitude.Animals are human's good friends!Even though it was ferocious tiger,or malevolent snakes,is an important part of the ecological balance,human survival and they are closely related,it is good I all right!

      2,adopt scientific methods to protect them.Use the method of science for long-term planning,system protection.

      Three,use legal methods.Sanctuaries,banning,fasting wild animals!This respect our law is not a lot,but with very good implementation.Say a sentence not infrastructures,wild animals price is very expensive,common people if caught also won't eat,will sell it.And some senior hotel,senior restaurant is often the biggest client!Countries should strengthen to some senior entertainment,the supervision and administration of consumer place!

      4,strengthen the protection of wild animals propaganda,activity,popularize knowledge






      With human beings on Earth since then, we continue to evolve at the same time has been hurt those lovely animals. They did not at fault, they are only in accordance with the laws of nature live in peace. But since the existence of mankind , their homes become increasingly small. Some animals have even become extinct.In the extinction of animal, the thylacine is the worst. Thylacine in a long time ago to live in the vast prairie, they have been very happy, carefree. Since the arrival of human beings have changed their lives. Due to the large number of human enclosure, livestock grass makes less and less change to many herbivores to move to other grasslands. This herbivorous animals to eat the wolf bag, there is no food. They steal human animals. Farmers would hate the wolf from the bag, see a killing one, on this last one wild thylacine was also killed. When people should be aware of extinct thylacine, the protection of the park began last a thylacine, it thylacine only 48 days before the final days. And 48 days later, the Forever thylacine disappeared from the Earth, the Forever! Of course, not all animals are extinct human killing, some changes in the environment are not suited extinction. However, the extinction of some animals, human beings have an unshirkable responsibility. Since ancient times human beings have been cruel to those animals alone, human deprivation of their right to live.Now seems to have been aware of the extinction of an animal hazards. In order to make money, what people are willing to do so, they sell fur animals, shopping malls, the meat of animals sold to restaurants. But we can not shirk all responsibility to the heads of traders, consumers also have the responsibility, if there is no consumer demand then the traders will not take the risk. Human beings are still eating wild animals. For example: the snake. If the extinction of the snakes, rats would wantonly breeding, then how do we ... ... So each has its biological significance of the existence, they are in the natural law of survival. If a broken food chain, then another will wantonly breeding animals, and even a threat to humanity, we bear in mind the protection of animals. The protection of animals is to protect human beings themselves!

      地球上的人類和許多動物都是地球母親的兒女。地球好似一駕遨游太空的宇宙飛船,人類與許多動物共處在這個生態(tài)環(huán)境中?晌覀內祟愓贾约焊叽、聰明,任意破壞動物們的居住環(huán)境,讓它們無從生存。于是“珍惜地球,愛護動物”一時成了最熱門的話題。 保護動物,是我們人人都要做到的,許多人任意去獵殺動物,雖然現在的人都說要保護動物,但是還有很多頑固的人不聽,繼續(xù)獵殺動物,人類拿動物來觀賞、賣錢,用獸皮做大衣……但你們有沒有想過,如果你是一只動物,卻遭到了人類的獵殺,你會怎么想,你愿意嗎,你愿意被獵殺嗎?你絕對不愿意,有些人說:“我又不是動物。”但你們有沒有想過動物們會怎么想嗎?現在人類大量捕殺動物,動物會甘心嗎?不,不會,永遠不會。它們不愿意死在人類手里。它們愿意被你們獵殺嗎?不,它們有一千個不愿意,一萬個不愿意,一億個不愿意…… 有些人雖然知道怎樣去愛護動物,可是他們只會假惺惺地去教育別人,而自己卻照樣破壞環(huán)境,照樣興致勃勃品嘗野味。 就拿印度洋毛里求斯群島上生活的渡渡鳥來說,由于它身上的肉鮮美無比,所以遭到當時人類的大量捕食,在十七世紀就已告滅絕。但是如果當時人們有動物保護意識的話,就不會造成渡渡鳥的滅絕。 還有鯨,鯨不是讓你們隨意捕殺的,鯨是被殺掉一頭就死一頭的,不像小魚小蝦那樣多,如果我們把鯨殺掉了,那我們的子孫后代,他們不是看不到鯨這種動物嗎? 現在,有些動物已經滅絕了,鱷魚雖然兇猛,但人類更兇猛。就是因為有些動物身上的器官具有突出的經濟價值,由此成為被人類掠奪利用的對象,成為動物滅絕的主要因素。鱷魚長著銳利的牙齒,和碩大的食物胃口,我們都說鱷魚可怕,但鱷魚更怕人類,在人類的眼中,鱷魚皮可以制成行李箱,手提包,錢包,鞋等物品,所以鱷魚,現在已經成為快要滅絕的動物了。 《金色的腳印》,這篇文章講了正太郎家捉來了一只小狐貍,兩只老狐貍想盡辦法就救出小狐貍,正太郎很同情小狐貍,他偷偷地給老狐貍投送食物,于是,他們之間建立了親密,信任的關系,后來兩只老狐貍救了正太郎,最后,小狐貍回歸了大自然,兩只老狐貍是多么高興!這篇文章贊美了人與動物之間互相信任,互相幫助,和諧相處的美好關系,也展現了動物之間的濃濃親情。我們就要向正太郎學習,他幫助動物,動物也救了他,這樣不是很好么?為什么人們還是要捕殺動物呢? 在此,我呼吁人們,不要再破壞自然界中的花草樹木,不要再亂殺一禽一獸,不要再殺害我們的朋友,要保護好自然界中的一個個生靈。消滅動物,就是在消滅人類自己。如果有一天世界上的動物全都消失了,那人類還能生存嗎?要保護動物,珍惜這自然界里的每一個生靈吧。 朋友們,動物是大自然留給人類的無價之寶,它是我們人類的朋友。它們的生衍死滅與我們人類的生活是密切相關的。動物的大量毀滅對人類將產生嚴重的不良后果,造成生態(tài)嚴重不平衡,從而使人類的生存環(huán)境遭到破壞。讓我們從現在做起,從我做起,保護動物,使世界變得更美好吧!保護動物,就是保護人類自己!









